In the spirit of Mother’s Day, Garnier® Whole Blends™ continue to remind us of our unique beauty. When I was a new mom and overwhelmed, as most new moms are with the task of well, mothering and more specifically, the realization that “you mean I have to take care of it ALL THE TIME?” I...
Music is awesome. And I need a deep conditioner… My aging hair is getting so dry!
Music is awesome. And I need a deep conditioner… My aging hair is getting so dry!
My kids are 10 and 4…honestly I find that the more I let them settle their own disputes, the happier we all are. 🙂 Haven't tried the music method…but worth a shot!
I needed both these pro-tips from you. Being pregnant, I'm struggling in the frump and the energy slump departments. Thanks.
I agree with you that music can really improve your mood and get you motivated.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Yes, getting ready definitely makes me feel more present. I feel better when I look good. I also agree with the music tip.
Carving out alone time. Even if it's just 20 min. And often I use that time for exercise,even if I don't really want to in the moment. Alone time & endorphins for the win!
Music can really help put me in a good mood and cheer me up! So does dancing and making myself look my best always gives me a lot of confidence!
Music really helps me too. Thanks for sharing these tips.
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
Music gives me motivation.
I do find that music helps me get things done. I always turn it on while cleaning. It gets me moving and makes the time fly. And when i get things done i feel better about myself.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I use music to set my mood for each day
groogruxking40 @ gmail dot com
Absolutely the days that I just slouch around I get nothing done but the days I get up get ready first thing I am so much more on my game and I feel better about myself!
I tweeted
I am present when I turn off the television and computer and enjoy time with friends and family and pets.
heather [email protected]
I find that putting my phone on silent and in the other room helps me be present!
tweet https://twitter.com/yarbr012/status/728553361910472705 [email protected]
Getting ready makes me feel more put together. I find that prayer really keeps me present and I often listen to music too. [email protected]
Getting outside everyday helps all of our moods at this house.
taking a walk helps me
dlatany at gmail dot com
dlatany at gmail dot com
Taking time to read helps me but I also like to listen to music.
reklaw422 at Hotmail dot com
To look my best I make sure to do my hair and makeup.
Absolutely. I like to have my hair and makeup done to feel my best. Thanks so much.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/peg42/status/728752168707211264
Thanks again.
Music always works. Lately I find good books (audiobooks) work as well.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
One thing to be present is turn off the electronic! Especially my phone. always help
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Absolutely! Getting ready each day makes me feel like the best version of myself!
MY tweet: https://twitter.com/Michelle83237/status/728784703277305856
I have long curly hair and that is my favorite feature. truckredford(at)gmail(dot)com
https://twitter.com/eliza_elliott/status/728988078275072000 truckredford(at)gmail(dot)com
Taking a little time for myself by taking a daily walk really helps clear my mind and be more present for my family.
Yes, I agree that getting ready helps me be more present, especially if you include doing some exercise as part of the morning routine. That really helps improve my mood so I can stay present!
maddiembrubaker (at) gmail {dot} com
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/729079027827408896
maddiembrubaker (at) gmail {dot} com
Putting makeup on and getting dresses makes me feel much more motivated.
njharmonyg at aol dot com
tweet https://twitter.com/hburmeister/status/729337998265962499
njharmonyg at aol dot com
Getting my bed made in the morning, if nothing else happens that day, I made my bed:)
Getting ready is a huge boost to my confidence. It is something I need to do in order to feel good while going about my day.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I find that connecting to the outside world really helps me stay present. And I don't mean something major like going for a hike–just looking out the window and noticing a cloud formation, the birds in the yard, the quality of the light, or the flowers currently in bloom can help me become centered and feel more present in the moment.
[notheranneother {at} gmail {dot} com]
Here's my tweet about your thoughtful blog post and the Garnier giveaway:
Thank you!
[notheranneother {at} gmail {dot} com]
I always get ready in the mornings, and do my hair and makeup: I feel confident and attractive.
i need to disconnect from the tv and computer to be present
I feel like I need to get ready to feel the best about myself.
[email protected]
Getting ready definitely helps me feel best about myself.
[email protected]
yes getting ready makes a huge difference in how i feel
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i posted a tweet here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
I need a spin class and a long run once a week to feel stress-free and relaxed. aleksnearing gmail com
Have your own time works for me. I go out with my girlfriend one every 2 weeks.
[email protected]
I like to exercise at least a few times a week outdoors.. getting that me time and fresh air really helps me stay balanced.
prettyinhotpink6@gmail dot com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/PrettyHotPink6/status/733082071032291328
As a guy I always feel the need to get ready for the day and it usually involves me heading out for an early morning run before everyone else gets up. It's the time I use to clear my head and get ready for the day. Some people drink coffee to wake them up, I run!
jlammers002 at woh dot rr dot com
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/FireRunner2379/status/733472747855056896.
jlammers002 at woh dot rr dot com
I turn off my electronics so I can be present with my family. I always try to look nice even if I have no plans for the day.
s2s2 at cox dot net
s2s2 at cox dot net
I try to live in the moment and to be present in the small every day adventures. I don't need to do a lot to get ready, but I do need a shower and some mascara.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
I find time to read books, at least 3 in a month
I always need to take a little time to myself to destress whether it's running or listening to calming music
whittikere at yahoo dot com
https://twitter.com/whittikere/status/734157230887579648 twweeted!
Yes, if I feel better about myself and prepared for the day ahead – I am more present!
Sometimes just when I think I am SO busy, a wonderful, ordinary moment just causes me to drop everything and enjoy the moment because I realize that moment is so much more important than whatever I was so "busy" with. I never regret it!
Tweet- https://twitter.com/mitadav/status/734945069887856640
Zumba and Yoga helps me.
[email protected]
Yoga has definitely helped me be more present and disconnecting from technology (at least for a little while)
linjumimom at aol dot com
https://twitter.com/linjumimom/status/736779876355723264 tweeted
feel the need to get ready in order to feel best about themselves? Yes, I try not to stay in yoga pants all day long…. 🙁
Any other tips or secrets for being present? Put on makeup ! That always makes me feel better
Getting up and getting ready makes a huge difference in my day!
Tweet https://twitter.com/Lindiac/status/737042871908335616
I create beautiful moments by being in the present and not worrying about the past or the future.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
i take time to work out once a day and don't really care what others think about me….even my mother 😉
Always a good tip to get as much sleep as you can! wlbellows at gmail dot com
I sent a tweet https://twitter.com/electricstar/status/737326297156714498
wlbellows at gmail dot com
Going to the movies with my daughter.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
I like to listen to music to get ready.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/737421237719343104
https://mobile.twitter.com/Esham4life/status/737427202531295232 [email protected]
Being present for me is spending some time in the fresh air [email protected]
https://mobile.twitter.com/Esham4life/status/737427202531295232 [email protected]
Music is like therapy. Now that my family are all grown up and have families of their own I like to listen to the music that was popular when they were growing up. Every song reminds me of special times.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/737458799158534146
yoga refreshes my mind!
showstopper474 at gmail dot com
showstopper474 at gmail dot com
Taking some "me time" everyday calms and invigorates me!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I love each day Moment by moment and that's my best tips for being present [email protected]
https://mobile.twitter.com/faithjacklynswe/status/737573549406195717 [email protected]
https://mobile.twitter.com/faithjacklynswe/status/737573549406195717 [email protected]
I love each day Moment by moment and that's my best tips for being present [email protected]
I always heard meditation works… although I havent always had the best luck lol [email protected]
Tweeted too! https://twitter.com/kytah00/status/737601892058947585 [email protected]
I don't have kids but I do have to work at being present. As a nature photographer, I am always taking my camera places and sometimes I get lost in shooting rather than being. Sometimes, I leave my camera at home, no matter how hard that is. It forces me to be present and I need that.
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/737683563202613248
14earth at gmail dot com
my #SweepstakesEntry tweet:
Kathryn C
[email protected]
#SweepstakesEntry- comment
I try to start my day off right every morning with feeling beautiful by eating a healthy breakfast, (delicious fruit protein smoothie) and taking the time out to reflect, be appreciative, say affirmations and get my day started on a positive note. Of course, taking a shower helps too LOL
Kathryn C
[email protected]
I have to prepare myself daily, I always make sure to have some me time
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tweet https://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/737783797207433216
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I spend more time with kids
Loved this post. Getting ready for the day helps me fight the blues too!
Music is for sure my go to. As well as having do over days when things get rough and we all fall apart, we start over.
Yes taking a bit of time with my make up and hair helps me to be present.
thank you
Tweeted https://twitter.com/JalapenoMama/status/737809077959544832
Working out after the kids get on the bus. It totally helps me get ready.
[email protected]
disconnecting from technology!
mijulin at cox dot net
mijulin at cox dot net
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