
Special Needs Spotlight: Mary Cate

Hi, my name is Kerry Lynch!  My husband, Chris and I met through friends during college (Chris graduated from Marquette University and myself from University of Iowa).  Chris was never in a rush to get married, so I “patiently” stuck around for what seemed life forever 😉  He was transferred to Germany for work in...

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Someone got her mocks last week and has been loving them every day since.  Really, they are the perfect shoe for her just like I knew they would be.  She still goes barefoot whenever she’s indoors because she uses her feet to eat/play/draw/do everything.  But when we’re out and about she loves wearing her big...

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The Joy of Painting

Last week I talked about how I use my time and what I really want out of it.  There are so many things that need to be on this list, for any fellow Mormons out there I’m always trying to improve in the area’s of scripture study, temple attendance and visiting teaching.  None of those...

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Spotlight Substitute

As you know every now and then there’s a little lapse in the special needs spotlight–no worries we’ll be back next week with a great one!–but in the meantime I usually try to find a suitable substitution, especially something in the world of special needs.  I remember coming across this video last summer when I...

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Always a little slow on the resolution uptake I’ve been thinking a lot more about goals lately, specifically about time.  About the fact that we all have the same 24 hours in a day and am I really using the time I’ve been given wisely?  No longer the frantic new mom with new baby just...

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Bedroom Inspiration

Remember the bed my husband decided to make from scratch?  It’s done!  And it’s beautiful.  You guys… that man is a magician.  It is seriously amazing.  I instagrammed a pic the other day, but I don’t want to do a full post on the bed until it’s actually in our bedroom with a new mattress (we...

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You guys I am SO, SO, SO excited… I’m going to Italy!  It’s official.  I booked my flight last week and I can’t wait.  This will be my very first trip to Europe and I seriously can’t believe it.  When one of my best girls first asked me about going to Italy this spring my...

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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