Hi, my name is Kerry Lynch! My husband, Chris and I met through friends during college (Chris graduated from Marquette University and myself from University of Iowa). Chris was never in a rush to get married, so I “patiently” stuck around for what seemed life forever 😉 He was transferred to Germany for work in...
what a beautiful little girl. The last photo is gorgeous x
Beautiful post!! What a sweet girl! I have been reading your blog for quite some time, and in reading these spotlight stories, I seem lots of common themes. One thing that sticks out to me is when you about people approaching a child with special needs, is most people say they wish people would just ask questions, and I so want to do this when I see these beautiful children out and about. Especially now that my son is a little older, I want to be able to teach him that it's okay to ask questions, but I want to do it the right way. Do you have any suggestion/advice on how to ask questions to parents politely?
Hey Miss Miggy,
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to show off My Mary Cate 🙂
I love your reference to "Going on a Bear Hunt"…we read that every day and I have often thought the same thing.."gotta get through it", so you might as well get through it with alot of smiles, laughs and love, right?!?!
Give Lamp a hug from us…
Mary Cate is a beautiful little girl and you, as her parents, seem just as wonderful. Thanks for sharing her with us.
SO glad to see MC here!
Miggy (I almost typed Miffy after watching 10 episodes of Miffy in a row with a sick 3 year-old). First of all, thank you for this very special "special needs spotlight" I was very intrigued because my daughter is also Mary Cate with a "c" which you don't see too often. Anyhow, I was inspired to start reading Kerry's blog; however, every time I go there, my computer freezes! I am not complaining or blaming Kerry, I just want her to know in case her blog has a virus or something (is that possible? I'm not sure I understand viruses of the computer kind). I tried on my work computer also, and the same thing happened.
Can you let her know? Thanks. And thank you for sharing the wonderful adventures of Lamp and Sparkles. It helps so much to know all the wonderful Moms out there.