
The Full Pixie + Fall Playlist

This Little Miggy || The Full Pixie

Two weeks ago I cut my hair into a pixie.

Except it was still quite long on top. Some people questioned if it was actually a pixie. And, while it was definitely super short for me, the shortest my hair had ever been, it wasn’t quite what I wanted my hair to look like.

So I called my hair boyfriend and asked if he could take a little more off. A week later he did. And I was like, OK, that’s better…. now it’s a pixie.

And it was definitely a pixie. But it was still didn’t sit quite right. Too puffy on the top and the sides. I couldn’t quite figure out how to style it and while I felt better about it at first, after another week I did not feel great about it. Eh, I thought. Maybe I’m just not a pixie girl and now I know. I had done the brave thing with my hair and now I knew.

But I wasn’t being brave. I was trying to have a pixie cut, while still holding on to some length. What? Short hair is not having length. I know that. But I didn’t want to go too short. Just keep a little length just in case.

In case of what?

In case I don’t like it and want to grow it right back out.

OK, but it seems like you don’t like it because you’re not getting it cut short enough.

OK, whatever subconscious brain. I think I know what I’m talking abo… wait a second! I realized that I was trying to have long hair and short hair at the same time and it was not working.

So I went in one more time last week and went full throttle pixie. I finally DID IT. And I finally like it. Well, I like it better.

This Little Miggy || The Full Pixie

The truth is I don’t think I’m a pixie girl at heart. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it. There is the chance that I’m just not used to it still, so maybe I’ll grow into it, but the truth is I was still in love with my previous cut, I just knew if I didn’t chop if off now I’ll probably never do it. Most likely, I’ll grow it right back out.

While I don’t love my pixie cut, I DO love that I did it. It may have taken me 3 cuts in 3 weeks, but I did it. I cannot overstate enough how I NEVER thought I’d cut my hair this short and it’s been a liberating experience. To have felt so tied to my hair my whole life and the feeling that it was so important, to now realizing that I can chop it all off and no matter what–even if it sucks (and it doesn’t suck)–everything is going to be fine.

I know. A pathetically small risk in reality, but internally I had given this particular risk so much weight. It reminds me of a line from the movie Penelope: “It’s not the power of the curse, it’s the power you give the curse.”

My hair certainly isn’t a curse, but giving too much power to any one thing in your life can feel like a curse. For better or for worse, this is me for the foreseeable future.

This Little Miggy || The Full Pixie

My current motto:
Short hair, don’t care. 

Anyone else ever try to do a brave new thing and find yourself still trying to keep a foot in the door of the past? Doesn’t work very well does it. In today’s world it seems silly to think so much about a haircut when there are much bigger fish to fry. But this small act of bravery has had a rippling effect. For example, ever since I significantly cut my hair last March and again with my recent pixie, I’ve noticed that even when I’m having a bad hair day, I care so much less then when I was having a bad hair day with long hair. Once I walk out the door I don’t care what my hair looks like and I don’t think about it. For some reason cutting my hair has seemed to loosen some sort of vanity grip on myself and that leaves me with more time to think about other more pressing issues. Anyone else relate? How has a small change made a big impact in your life?

Lastly, I asked you guys for Fall Song recommendations on Instagram and I’ve put together a killer 2018 Fall Playlist on Spotitfy. Thanks for your help! And let me know if there are any more songs you think I should add. Here it is:

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