
Art Jar

As I was perusing the Land of Nod catalog the other day I came across this I’m not bored anymore Art Jar. Very clever, I thought.  That would make a great present for Sassy pants (3 year old).  The description says:
We loaded a jumbo plastic jar full of funky art supplies like googly eyes, pom-poms, pipe cleaners, glue pens, construction paper, wavy craft scissors, wooden buttons, spools, beads, craft sticks and more. Heck, we could go on and on, but we don’t want to bore you. Tons of potential projects. Just add imagination.
Then I thought…wait a minute, that’s $30… I could just make my own Art jar! Duh.  Then I thought, (yes more thinking) Well maybe it would actually cost more, or about the same to make my own jar…so maybe it is a good deal.
  Hmmmm…what do you think?  Is $30 worth it, or could you make your own art jar for cheaper?  The jar alone seems like it would be $8-$10. 
Could you make it cheaper and cooler?  What would you include?  
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