Miggy: Hi Mary! So excited to be featuring your daughter today and hopefully shed some light on her rare condition. Can you take me back to the day you knew something wasn’t right with your daughter and found out that she had Osteogenesis Imperfecta? Do you remember how you felt? Can you compare those first thoughts...
what a beautiful little girl and family.
I love these special needs spotlights.
So generous of the families and Miggy to do them for us.
Thank you xx
Mary is one of my best friends. This post is wonderful and it actually only skims the surface of what an amazing person Mary is, and her husband as well. Their family inspires me. Love you, Mary!
Beautifully written! So many things that can be taken and applied to my own family. Mary has such a wonderful little family.
my dear lil niece in law. I want you to know that though we have never met you and I have so much in common. you see your lil mother in law is my big sister. she has always been my hero and my way of getting through life. I remember when I was little and she would break…..I would be "The Nurse", and I loved every minute of taking care of my big sissy. I remember the day that I got protective of her, still just a little girl. We didn't know much back then. I just always prayed that my sisters and brother would get a miracle and get fixed. they were all brave. my sister Carla,my brother Walter, and your mom in law. we would all be brave see our mom had it to and there were broken bones every week in the family. But Mom taught them all by example to be brave. that Heavenly Father gave them this special gift and that they would be blessed if they were to be brave and help others who stare and make fun, understand how special they were. anyways Mary I just wanted you to know that I know the broken heart….not from a mothers point of view…thank goodness, but from a daughters, a sisters, and finally an aunties. God Bless you Mary for how brave you are. for how much you love my Aaron. and how much that he loves you.
with all my love….auntie B
I am so glad to hear about these things, thank you for having such a great interviewing and teaching heart. I loved reading about Mary and Lily. What a great set of attitudes between them! Such good questions and insightful answers.
Hi Miggy. I’ve been following your blog for the past two years, or since my daughter was diagnosed with a chromosomal disorder. I love to read about Lamp and PSP, your thoughts and feelings about being a special needs mom as well as every day life and of course the special needs spotlight. Not only does it help me personally but also professionally since I’m a psychologist working at a center for children with special needs.
I also wanted to thank Mary for sharing her families story. I was working at a kindergarten a few years back and one summer a teenaged girl with Osteogenesis Imperfecta was working there. Today this young woman, Freyja Haraldsdóttir, is a disability activist and a member of parliament here in Iceland. She has really raised awareness on securing human rights for people with disabilities. A true inspiration!
We adopted a little girl with OI from China – her name is Alice and she is also currently 4 years old (5 in October.) She was almost 2 years old when she came home to us. I could relate to so much of this interview! Our daughter is in Montessori preschool this year and loves it. 🙂 If you'd ever like to connect with us, my email is theknittingmama AT gmail DOT com. We are in Washington State.