
Quilt and Book Recommendations Needed

One of my biggest accomplishments from this past weekend was that I have finally finished piecing the top of the quilt.  This has been about 6 months in the making and honestly one of the biggest creative endeavors I’ve ever undertaken.  And if I needed any reassurance that this was a big deal I got that when calling a quilt shop for some pricing.  I explained that I had just finished piecing a king size quilt and… before I could finish the woman on the other end said, “Let’s just take a minute and celebrate that fact…Yay!  You finished!”  Ha!  So great, I laughed and had a little celebration with the woman on the other end of the phone…oh man, she gets it.  Anyway, now I have to quickly sew a backing together (which will be cake comparatively) and then find someone willing to quilt it for me for a small coughcoughHUGEcoughcough fee.  Once this baby is done our little bedroom makeover should be pretty much complete.  Even though this solution was neither quick or inexpensive I’m so glad I did it.  The thrill of completing a project–big or small–never gets old.

Also, I’ve been craving books lately.  It’s funny to me when I hear moms who feel guilty for sneaking off to read while their kids run willy-nilly.  I feel that way if I’m sitting in front of the computer for too long, but never when I read!  In my opinion reading is always a good thing.  Right now I’m finishing Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (which I’m feeling only so-so about–it’s good, but I’m not completely engrossed) and I’ve got Mr. Pettigrew’s Last Stand and Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie on the nightstand waiting to be read.  Probably my favorite book I’ve read recently was Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson, a Jane Austen style romance…and oh my!  Did it ever deliver!  I highly recommend.

What are your favorite books right now?  And although I’ve been on a novel streak, I’m usually drawn to non-fiction more…so basically anything.  Also, what’s your favorite classic?  There are plenty of classics I could still tackle.  So gimmie your best!  (I’ve read Unbroken, the Hungar Games, Gurnsery Literary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society, etc. looking for something fresh!)
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