
Special Needs Spotlight: Brayden

  My name is Jessica Garwood.  I married my husband Devin Garwood in February 2004.  We had our first child, Brody in 2005.  We knew we wanted to have more children so we started trying right away.  Unfortunately I was unable to get pregnant.  We tried different fertility pills and different doses but nothing was...

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Vintage Fisher Price

When I instagrammed this picture a couple weeks ago I received lots of comments about the vintage Fisher Price Little People camper set.  Which, to be honest, was sorta the point.  Yes, notice my cute kid first, but please don’t let her cool toy go unnoticed.  Lamp got this camper set for Christmas and it...

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Les Miserables

When I was 23 my mom took me on a trip to New York City with her design class (she taught interior design at a local community college and was fortunate enough to get to take a few trips to NYC with her students).  Part of that trip included tickets to see Les Miserable on...

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Special Needs Spotlight: Jack

Hello there!  It is such a blessing to be able to share our son Jack with you.  After not meeting age-appropriate milestones, Jack was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of 9 months old.  At the time of his diagnosis, we were unsure and fearful of the future, but today we are hopeful and...

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This is Susan.  Basically the newest member of our family.  So when I was at the Estate Sale looking at all these amazing doll clothes and trying to figure out how I could justify purchasing some of these gems, well it turns out some of those clothes were made for this little doll on a...

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Slow Start

proof that sometimes San Antonio does indeed have grey skies… I’ve had a slow start this week, but here I am.  We had a good weekend.  Saturday was one of those lazy days where we start out with no plan and just follow our instincts until we look back and realize, hey…we did good. It...

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Special Needs Spotlight: The Green Family, part 2

Hey you guys–I know it’s been a while but here is part 2 of our spotlight with the amazing Green family! You can read part 1 here.  Also, the intro below is the same one from week 1, just so you’re not confused.    Hello there! We are excited for a chance to share our...

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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