My name is Jessica Garwood. I married my husband Devin Garwood in February 2004. We had our first child, Brody in 2005. We knew we wanted to have more children so we started trying right away. Unfortunately I was unable to get pregnant. We tried different fertility pills and different doses but nothing was...
that is one adorable family.
Thank you of posting about this little boy. How lucky he is to have such a strong and loving mum and dad.
There are programs in each state for assistance for special needs. Granted each state is different and some have more to offer than others, disability is not the only thing out there. Also disability is biased on the parents income until a child is 18. I heard all the time from well meaning people that I should be getting it for my son, but the fact was, our income though low was still too high. I do find it odd though that you didn't just "automatically" get it becuase every time I tried for my son, I would be ask if he was blind and told, "if he was blind yes, no matter what he would automatically get help." Never understood that one at all. Good luck to you and aren't boys the best!! Fun times in your house for years to come that is for sure.
Don't blame yourself. Couldn't agree more.
Baby Brayden is adorable.
Thank you for these spotlights. I love them so much. I have a baby with special needs, and it's so heartening to hear about other babies like him. It makes me feel not so alone when I see the seas of no-health-problems kids around me.
Brayden is darling! I laughed at his twin pulling out his conformer and his hearing aids. That will make for some hilarious stories when they're older.
I love how you said not to blame yourself. so many people blame themselves unnecessarily. Whether you believe in him or not. I believe Brayden was sent to you for a reason with this disability so that he could have a loving family to take care of him. Good luck and he is seriously adorable!