I know I’ve been doing this mothering gig for a few years now but today is the first time both my kids have been sick at the same time. Like stay-home-from-school, cancel-therapy, go-to-the-doctor sick. Strange how these sad little milestones feel like I passed off another merit badge in mothering. The double-trouble sickie badge. Check....
We have been both kids sick since Friday with some mom and dad yuckies thrown in. Needless to say I am exhausted. Dad has been great but you know mom wins.
Yes! I too have had a little something–but not as bad as the girls. Knock on wood…
J and I joke that camping always reminds him that he's the 'real' dad (packing! Waking early to build a fire! Worrying about bears!) but sick kids always makes me feel like I'm officially a real mom. I never knew how I'd ever deal with whining, worry and bodily fluids, but somehow you just do.
Around here, being sick means lots of OJ and Ginger Ale, Popsicles or sherbet for soar throats, soup & dry toast, television and pajamas all day. Pretty much exactly as my mom always did it.
Feel better!
So glad I'm not the only one to stock up on OJ…my husband thought it a bit strange (too acidic?) but it was a sick time staple for me growing up. Also, when my girls are sick and camped out on the couch I put a blanket or sheet down on their spot, then everything gets washed when they're doing better… bed sheets, pj's, lovies, etc. Not something my mom did, but something I remember hearing once and it makes sense.
Hello there, I discovered your blog recently and was blown away by the way you take up challenges with grace and energy, and by your interest in special needs. I must say your daughters are gorgeous little girls, and I so loved your posts about Lamp putting on her princess dress on her own, and about your eldest preparing breakfast and taking care of her lil sister 🙂 And your post on the unicorn birthday rang a bell, I just do the same here for my little ones! So I thought I'd drop a comment tonight, when I saw your two cuties are sick! I know that situation, not easy, but there's at the same time this kind of confused satisfaction, that you're the resource person, the one your babies look for when they really need comfort. And I wouldn't swap this role for anything else! 🙂 Good luck kind mamma, I hope the sickness will go quickly and you can all have some rest!
Well thanks for the comment! Always fun to have new readers and I appreciate the love!
I love the 'when PSP said jump.I said how high'..what all would one do to see their babies happy.
I have a 11 month old and never in my wildest dreams I imagined I will be happy to wake up even at 2 am because my baby might be hungry and try giving her 10 diff options hoping she will stay hydrated and full when sick..Moms have hidden energy which works only when babies call 😉
Right? I still have a hard time with the constant cranky-pantsness of two sick girls, but my tolerance does seem to go up quite a bit. 🙂
I've been reading your blog for a while now thanks to Moly Jackson here in good old Utah. I seriously think you are amazing and your family is just so precious!! I have learned so much and gained a lot of strength from your posts. When my kids get sick, my world totally stops and I just sit with their heads in my lap and rub their heads. Whether or not thats where they are hurting. It just kind of soothes them either way. I am starting to really LOVE the effects essential oils have also. My mom was into them first and I always called her a witch doctor. But, I've grown to really rely on their soothing powers. My oldest is 11 with Type 1 diabetes and I REALLY struggle as a mom with worry and just every day stuff involved in that roller coaster ride. I've been wanting to maybe do a "Special Needs Spotlight" but I'm not sure if diabetes counts when there are so many sweet little people suffering with issues much more severe. But, anyway, you are incredible and I so look forward to all your posts!! Keep it up!
Oh sadness! Taking care of sick kiddos is one of the hardest parts of motherhood but perhaps the most rewarding? We watch a lot of TV when everyone is sicky and lethargic. Also, it's the only time we ever buy soda for when they have upset tummies.
The idea of mothering merit badges is GENIUS!!! Good luch with your sickies. I wish them health.
This totally inspired me. Thanks for sharing.