
Bedroom Makeover: The Bed

Initially, I wanted to wait for the room to be finished before I did this reveal.  I wanted the pictures to show the bed in the bedroom, dressed all pretty with the bedding I have planned.  But honestly… it will still be a while before it’s all finished.  Besides, it’s just not fair.  I showed...

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Up All Night

Staying up all night used to be fun and exciting–usually entailing a concert, a cute new guy or a dance party followed by food and girl talk to the wee hours. Unfortunately staying up all night these days means a sick kid.  We had some sickies a week before spring break, then pretty healthy kids...

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Special Needs Spotlight: Jameson

Hello Miggy! My name is Brooke Davis and I am very excited to share our story on your blog!  My husband’s name is James but I call him Jim.  He is my best friend, college sweetheart, and all around amazing guy. We have been together for 12 years and married for almost 8.  Three years ago...

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Bedroom Makeover: Mid Century Desk Makeover

When my husband decided to make us a new bed, I don’t think he realized the whole bedroom was going to get a makeover.  Partly because with a bigger bed (we upgraded to a king) and the smallest master bedroom we’ve ever had, we needed to reconfigure some of the room to make it work....

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Spring Break

Thanks everyone for all your wonderful comments about the Special Needs Spotlight.  I really do love it, but even more I love that you love it.  It was just good for me to hear some very real and wonderful experiences that people have had with the spotlight, but then to also hear how much it...

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Special Needs Spotlight: Ethan, Cade and Colby


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Blessings From the Spotlight

So a couple weeks ago I got the following email from Miriam.  You may remember Miriam (or Mim) and her daughter Harper from this special needs spotlight. Hey Miggy,  I just wanted to thank you and let you know what a blessing guest posting about Harper has been for us.  Several months ago (middle of...

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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