The summer of 2004 was a great time in my life. I was 27 years old and single. Interestingly, an acute and intense breakup had opened up a new phase in my life full of beauty, promise and hope. It was a strange dichotomy. My best friend was living in California that summer and ended...
This was so touching. I think it is very important for parents to share their childhood with their children. Not just the stories, but through visits. I know the memories from both my parents mattered greatly to me. My father's rural Wyoming and my mother's northern Mexico/south Texas roots could not have been more different. It helped me understand the choices they made and why. You have given your children (husband too) a gift. Thank you for sharing.
Kiki–yes! I totally agree…I think it's so important for kids to see and learn about their parents.
I dream of starting an art collection and adding one of your landscapes someday (if you have any still.) I love the story. So fun to get to know you better through your writing.
Thanks Terese–high praise from a fellow artist. And don't you have your own small town years in Michigan? Or maybe it was a city…I don't really know. 🙂
I loved this. I still regret not purchasing that painting….
Ha! Thanks Cass!
Your art work and story are gorgeous. Soothing to the soul. Thanks for sharing. Kristen @ onein1hundred
Thanks Kristen.
As a fellow San Antonio resident from Nebraska (I even went to elementary school in Scottsbluff ), I understand completely! We returned last year to Omaha for a wedding, and it was so wonderful to be back. Also, it is beautiful country!
Have you ever seen Keith Jacobshagen's work? http://www.keithjacobshagen.net/ He was a professor at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, where I did my undergraduate work. I think his landscapes would speak to you.
Love this post! I grew up in a very small town in West Virginia and now live in a big city. My parents grew up there as well, just down the street from one another, and started Kindergarten together back in the day. Both of my grandmother's lived in that same town too. So many of your memories resounded so heavily with me, there is nothing quite like a small town to grow up in. My parents still live in that same house and I absolutely love going home, I feel safe and free and happy. And I am thrilled that my son (soon to be 3) gets to feel those same feelings… it's like he just knows that this is a loving, safe place to be. Great post!
This was beautifully written, and brought tears to my eyes! I grew up in Nebraska (in the "big" town of Grand Island) until I went to college and still go back a couple times a year to visit my mom and grandparents. As an adult and parent of two little ones I now too fully appreciate the simplicity of life that Nebraska offered a kid growing up – so many of your memories remind me of my own!
Far away from U.S its really interesting to get to know abt these places…really love this post….
very nicely written