Last weekend my husband and I attended his 20 year high school reunion and man was there a lot to chew on after the fact.
First I had a lot of fun. People kept asking me how I was doing–like in a “how are you holding up?” sort of way–but I loved it! I love talking to people and getting to know people who knew my husband way back when. Yes, I was definitely in supportive spouse mode, and there were awkward pauses and times when I sat at the table for a little iphone break, but overall I had a great time. I’d met a couple of my husband’s close friends from high school before, but still I hadn’t seen them in years. (His highschool BFF married a girl I knew in college, so it’s fun to have that connection.) Another close friend is his high school girl friend, who also dated the same BFF. Later, when she started dating the guy she eventually married, my husband and his BFF became friends with him as well, so it was fun seeing them all together! Ha!
Of course I was reminded of my high school reunion. Unfortunately I missed my 20th (for me and my husband’s 10 year anniversary actually) but we went to my 10th when we were engaged. It was great seeing old friends and sharing our crazy stories (like the time I told my parents I was in the mountains for the weekend, but I was actually road tripping to Kansas) connecting with acquaintances and seeing what and where everyone was up to. There was no drama, just a fun evening. My 10 year was fun, but looking back 28 is still so young! By 20 years it seems that so much more has happened in our collective lives. Marriage, kids, adoption, divorce, death, careers, career changes, big moves, and more life experience. I’m really hoping we’ll have a 25th!
While witnessing this reunion as a spectator more than a participant, I saw lots of hugging and laughing as people sifted through memories. Even the most mundane memories (Remember we were locker partners freshman year? Who was our teacher for such and such? We didn’t hang out a lot but we had a lot of classes together.) float up to the surface and the shared experience of two people remembering an event, a person, a thing from 20 years ago is bonding. They were there. They were pixels in the collective image of your high school experience. I witnessed head shaking in disbelief as people said, “Oh my gosh, that dude hasn’t changed a bit.” (Mostly referring to one guy who could have used an updated 2019 memo on what constitutes sexual assault–yes hitting men in the crotch and tapping women’s breasts was never OK, but definitely not now. Sigh.) Other people hadn’t changed for the better–“She’s still the same big-hearted girl she always was.” And yet some people did change. I was witness to an apology 20+ years in the making and while it was all “water under the bridge” it seemed to be a relief for both parties nonetheless. A moment of owning ones past (and still present) insecurities is definitely a sign that people have matured since high school.
[readmore title= “Click here for more thoughts about high school reunions.”]
My high school experience was torture. I truly hated going to school. I had no friends. I just never fit in to any cliques. So many times I wanted to drop out, but, I didn’t.