
Pre-Order My Children’s Book Now!

Hi guys and happy Monday!

It’s an exciting day for me as I get to announce that pre-orders are available for my children’s book When Charley Met Emma! You can go here to pre-order your book now!

While I am very, very excited for this book to finally make its way out into the world, I am also terrified. See, I blog. I am a blogger. I have control over everything that gets published here, which means I can go back and edit my posts anytime I want. (And I do with some frequency.)  I can even remove or delete posts all together (although I have rarely done that.) The permanency of a book feels so different to me. I can’t make anymore changes (I actually tried to make some minor changes a couple weeks ago and my publisher was like, Oh you’re so cute… that’s really funny.) It’s done. And now I get to/have to show it to people. Present it as my completed work for everyone else to read and see (and judge).

We all show up in the world in different roles–ie jobs, relationships, etc–and in different ways. Maybe your job is where you feel most confident and therefore you kill it at work. But maybe in another area–like parenting–you don’t feel so confident. Maybe you don’t know how to small talk with the other moms at school and while you love your kids you’d rather sit on a pile of red ants rather than play one more game of chutes and ladders. The way you show up in one area of your life, can be very different from the way you show up in another.

Showing up on my blog and on my Instagram, where I often dance like a fool and laugh at my own jokes (cuz I’m funny), that’s not scary to me. Those things are not my brand of fear. But showing up as an author? As the writer of a children’s book hoping to represent children with disabilities as well as helping other people navigate these interactions? That is scary. Dancing and acting like an idiot on Instagram is not being vulnerable for me. But writing a book and saying to the world, Hey here is this book I wrote, I hope you like it, is akin to me preforming buck naked in Times Square with nothing but a harmonica. I feel exposed.

But I’m doing it. I felt called to write this book and the Universe helped make it so. (You can read all about that here.) In the end I’ve given it my all and I’m so proud to stand behind this beautiful book. Even if my knees are shaking as I stand.

Thanks for your love and support. I hope you love it as much as I do.

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