
1 Year

This July marks our 2 year anniversary in San Antonio and signifies our last year here as well.  Officially that is.  We owe the Air Force one more year of service and then we’re off to finally put down some roots and start the next chapter of our lives.  We’ve done 4 years of dental school in New York City, 2 years of residency in Cincinnati and in one more year we’ll have had 3 years of Air Force time in San Antonio.  That’s 9 years!  While we’re both getting anxious to settle down, we’ve been really grateful for the different places we’ve gotten to live in various parts of the country.  

The big question is WHERE.  Where are we going to settle down?  We’ve actually talked about staying in San Antonio and moving back to Cincinnati–both places we have grown to love.  While New York City was probably our favorite place to live, it’s not a practical long term option for our family.  (Small tear drop).  However the east coast still calls my name and we’ve always talked about Oregon as well.  While it’s not entirely up to us (it depends a lot upon the opportunities out there) we don’t have one specific destination we’re both in agreement upon so it really feels like most of the US is an option.  Which is actually a little scary!  We haven’t always had a choice of where to live but have made the best of it and found our niche.  Now that it’s our choice, and it’s most likely ‘forever’ the pressure is really on to make the best decision for our family.  I really can’t believe we’re just one year away from what seems like the biggest decision of our marriage.

I’m curious–have you found your forever home?  How did you decide the location–we’re you drawn by practical things like family and familiarity or did you choose a place simply because you love it?  What about things like weather, city/community size and the general region of the country?  Anyone ever throw a dart at a map?  🙂  

clockwise starting upper left:  San Antonio, Portland, Cincinnati and Connecticut   

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