oh just eating a sammy all by myself for the first time ever!
Just thought you might like to see some of the progress Lamp’s made in therapy with her prosthetic arm…
This isn’t really practical for daily use, but it’s a great training tool and helps her see what is possible all while exercising those baby muscles. Not to mention the fact that it’s straight up awesome. She’s showing off for her prosthetist here…Take another picture, she kept saying. Such a ham.
Also, when I see her working so hard to accomplish this difficult task–a task most of us take for granted every day–all while smiling the biggest smile ever I can’t help but think, What difficult or unpleasant tasks could I start doing with a smile on my face?
I hope this starts your Monday off on a good note. Hugs.
Hooray! What an amazing thing. This girl rules! (yes, I used 90's slang to proclaim how great your daughter is!)
Go Girl!!! You must be so proud.
She is indeed awesome. And has superior hair x
Love it. That smile is the cutest thing ever.
Lamp is so special! I love her wonderful spirit!
[email protected]
She is such a DOLL…and a wonderful inspiration. Her smile is contagious!
that was perfect for my monday! thank you! gosh she is wonderful.
Thank you for the perspective. She is awesome.
Go Lamp — you are the best!
Aunt Jill
She just kills me, I love seeing her progress and with her big sparkly smile to boot. Definitely makes me think different about the attitude I have when facing challenges. Hooray for Lamp!
Oh, so, so good for her!!! I'm guessing that sandwich tasted far better than any she's eaten before, with help. It gave me happy chills!
How wonderful! I am mama-to-be to a little boy with bilateral upper limb ? How do I say it? He has no hands. We have emailed in the past. Thanks for sharing. I read your blog often and am really encouraged and have great hopes for our son. http://www.dawsonmakes9.blogspot.com
definitely a good start for Monday..
She is brilliant:-) What joyful determination!!
That girlie melts me every time. Hope you're feeling good.