
Perchance To Dream

Fact #1.  I am so much happier, healthier and feel infinitely better about myself and the world around me when I go to bed at a reasonable* hour and get a good night’s rest.  (*reasonable being 10:30/11.)
Fact #2.  I hate going to bed.
Sleep.  I like it once I’m already doing it, but I sorta do anything to avoid it in the first place.  There is always something more exciting to do than going to bed (sewing!  blogging!  talking to an old friend!  reading!  cooking!  dishes!) but when it’s time to wake up, I’ll do anything for just 10 more minutes.  I’ve really always been this way and in fact have actually gotten much better about getting to bed as early as I do.  My sophomore year of high school I remember never going to bed before 2 in the morning…and I got up at 5:50 for early morning seminary.  (Well in theory…most mornings at least.)  I slept a lot in class and looking back I think I was just used to feeling terrible all the time.  In college I was much the same way but at least I could adjust my classes to be a little later.  But now with little ones who are early risers it’s getting to be something I need to get better about, something I need to make a priority for everyone’s sake.  Strangely after PSP was born I was very good about going to bed early, but slowly my bad sleep habits have been returning.  I think all of this might stem from some type of insomnia because one of my main hang-ups is that I’m not one to fall asleep quickly.  My husband has the gift of sleep as I like to say and can pretty much fall asleep the second his head hits the pillow, whereas it  can take me anywhere from 15 to 30  minutes on a good night and 1-2 hours on a bad night.
I know all the advice–don’t read in bed, stick to a bedtime routine, no tv/computer within 30 minutes before going to bed, no exercise or eating right before bed, warm milk, chamomile tea, etc, etc.  But I still feel like I have to trick myself to go to bed or have a lot accomplished before bedtime.  Routines don’t really work for me and I often find myself in bed with the ipad.
So what do you do?  Any tricks for a good nights sleep?  Do you use some sort of reward system? Or do you suffer through tired, grouchy days?           
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