
In Love

I did something stupid.  Really stupid.
I fell in love.
As cliche as it sounds I didn’t mean to…it just happened.
I know what you’re thinking…what do you mean you fell in love?  You’re still…involved, committed?  What about your current…situation?
And to that I say…well things were already in the works.  We’ve already started the separation process–packing and whatnot–and while I know it’s not a done deal and I know I shouldn’t started looking around, checking out my options, I did.
And I fell in love.
Wait, you know I’m talking about a house right?  Did I forget to mention that?
So yeah I fell in love with a house in San Antonio and it was a stupid thing to do.  While I’ll always love my 97 year old victorian beauty (ol’ Vicky as I like to call her), I had to face the facts.  It was never a long term thing.   And while I know we’ve still got a few good months together, I started looking…. and that’s when I saw it.  Our perfect San Antonio House.  Younger, modern, hip …again with the cliches.  The Mr. warned me… he’s all, we don’t even know if were going to buy (we’re not. we’re renting.) and you have no idea what the neighborhood looks like (well I google earthed it…c’mon).  Bottom line is I just threw caution to the wind and let myself fall. in. love.   
And just like any fool in love, I started living in a fantasy world.  I looked at “my” little house on the internet every day.  I imagined where our furniture would go (don’t even get me started…our furniture was made for this house), which rooms needed painting and where the art would hang.  In my mind it was perfect.  Close to the Mr’s work, close to the hospital, within walking distance of a good elementary school, all one story for our little Lampy pie incase she needs a wheelchair, a fenced in back yard and on top of it all a beautiful, little house.  Despite the odds, I kept on dreaming.  Part of me just hoped we’d figure it out, make it work.
Then one day I was looking up my little house on line and it was gone.  Nope, not sold.  Taken off the market.  Apparently they’ve given up for the time being and they’re just going to stay there (says the matchmaker realtor I spoke with).  

So what now?  Do I take a hint and bow out gracefully, or show up at the front door holding a boombox over my head playing In Your Eyes and see if they’d be willing to make a 3 year commitment?  
In all seriousness, I’m going to be going to SA in a little while to check out rental places and I’m already planning on going over and talking to the owners of my little perfect house.  I already tried everything I could think of to contact them online (including asking the realtor), but I got nothing.  
Anyone have any success with this kind of thing?  Am I nutso?  Could this actually work?      

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