
Sugar Addict

Today I Miggy, will not eat any sweets.  No ice cream, cookie dough, cake, girl scout cookies, etc.  As I’m 99% sure I’ve got a moderate to serious sugar addiction this will be hard.  It probably shouldn’t be that hard, but it will be.  
That was the post I started on Friday.  I didn’t get it posted in time, but the hope was that if I put it on the blog and was accountable to a larger population other than myself I would succeed.  Well even though it didn’t get posted I did it.  I went a whole day without sweets.  Not a single cookie or even a bite of ice cream.  Saturday I ate sweets again.  Sunday I didn’t.  Monday + yes sweets.  And today I plan on going sweetless again.  I don’t think I’m someone who could cut sugar out of their diet entirely, but even going every other day without sweets is a pretty big deal for me.  It didn’t used to be hard at all.  Personally I think since becoming a mom it’s been a lot harder.  It’s a quick stress reliever and a quick way to reward myself and indulge in something ‘just for me’ during a day filled with taking care of little people’s needs.    I don’t know a lot about all the negative effects of sugar, but I know it’s not good.  I know we consume more sugar today than probably any other time in history.  And I know our bodies aren’t designed for this sugar overload.  I’ve been wanting to read the book Sugar Shock for a while, but I haven’t gotten around to it.  So I’m just curious…do any of you adhere to a strict no sugar diet?  Or even a low sugar diet?  How did you do it?  Have you read a particular book about sugar that you really like?
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