

I love having kids.

Wait, let’s back up a second…growing up and even as an adult, I wasn’t exactly a kid person.  I think I was the babysitter everyone called as their last resort.  Sure I could watch your kids and they’d be alive when you got home, but I wasn’t going to actually play with them.  And I usually tried to put them to bed as early as possible so I could watch Unsolved Mysteries or some other such nonsense while getting paid for it.  Don’t get me wrong I knew I wanted kids, but I didn’t particularly love kid humor or cute little kid things.  

Until I had my own kids.  So as I was saying…I love having kids, especially my kids.  I’m one of those people who secretly thinks everyone else wishes they had my kids too.  One thing we’ve always loved about Princess Sparkle Pants is her silly personality.  She does and says some funny stuff.  Her newest thing?  NumberPhone.  What’s NumberPhone you ask?  It’s a language.  A language my super smart 4 year old daughter invented.  Although I don’t do many videos on here (never?) PSP speaking NumberPhone is something to be experienced first hand.   So without further ado, here is your first lesson in the newest language craze, NumberPhone.

You’re welcome.  

ps.  Can you tell she loves being on camera?    
pps.  I know she’s not the first kid to invent a language, but you have to admit she might be the cutest 4 year old linguist out there. 
ppps.  You can’t have her, she’s ours.  

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