
Favorite Gifts

I just thought I’d put together a list of some of Princess Sparkle’s favorite gifts from her birthday for anyone else with a four year old on the horizon who might be looking for a good gift.  Some of them are a little more indie-toy-shop cool, while others are just classic and easy to find at your local Target.  In no particular order….
Hungry, Hungry Hippos.  An oldie, but a goodie.  Seriously, one of the funner games to play with the young’uns.  Fast-paced and a family crowd pleaser.  And yes I know funner ain’t a word.  
Pop Arty Beads.  I found these on DesignMom when researching toys, and of course they were a hit with 4 year old.  They have fun and unique shapes and you can even make rings and bracelets as well.  I know these will be used for years to come.  
Meileg Mouse in a Box.  My mom found these little mice from Danish toy company Meileg.  I think I love this toy as much as Princess Sparkle.  The little mouse comes in a sturdy box complete with mattress, pillow and knitted blanket.   You can choose from a variety of boy and girl mice.  This is one of the most charming and why-didn’t-I-think-of-that? toys I’ve ever seen.  
Seedling–Good things for Girls Kit.  Another really cute and unique gift that is as beautiful as it is functional.  Seedling makes a lot of amazing kits like a “design your own super hero cape” and “build your own kaleidoscope.”  This particular kit is called Good Things for Girls and contains a knitting doll, yarn, a jump rope, pick up sticks, a sketch pad and colored pencils.  I love gifts that encourage creativity.   
Finally, Wikki Stix.  Again, so classic but so great.  I love that they’re reusable and mess free, yet versatile and really entertaining at the same time.  Seriously you can’t go wrong with a package of wikki stix.      
Anyone else have some great gift ideas for the pre-school set?  
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