
The Birthday Party

It was a fun party and best of all Princess Sparkle Pants (I just made that up, but it’s actually quite fitting) had a wonderful time.  Even though it’s not a huge production it was still a good amount of work.  I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off with the craziness of last week (I promise I will stop bringing up last week) had I not started the planning and putting the party together a while ago.  I really liked that PSP (Princess Sparkle…) asked for a “flower party.”  I’m really tiring of the over commercialized Princess and other Disney-esque themes, especially for such a young demographic, (of course had she asked for a princess party I’m sure I would have done it).  A flower party in February seemed to be the perfect theme for these sweet little 4 year olds.  Here are the highlights.  
the room before all the craziness
the cake

 pin the flower on the stem
 flower pot cakes with flower spoons
flower making craft
planting flower seeds in pots for the take home party favor

cute 4 year old girls
4 years.  I can’t believe it.
We love you Princess Sparkle Pants.
*Thanks to my mom who sent the sugar flowers for the cake and all the fancy cup-cake wrappers for the flower craft.  

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