
Viva Mexico!

We had a 3 day weekend and since we didn’t have big plans it could have been a tragic waste of a long weekend.  We decided we needed a theme to spice things up and give us some direction.  
Enter Viva Mexico!  
(Yep that was our theme in case you missed it.)    
Basically our Viva Mexico! weekend entailed eating enchiladas and tortilla soup (left overs from previous meals), making some churros, making a pinata and playing a game called Mexican Train.  (Real game…and if you think it sounds racist than maybe you’re racist because Mexico is just another country and it could be called English Train or Japanese Train just as easily….sheesh.  Besides once you do your research and find out it’s origins have nothing to do with border patrol or human trafficking it’s actually quite a fun game!)  We had a good time…Here are some pictures for your enjoyment: 
Hot husband making churro batter and modeling his apron.  Yowza.
The girls helping dad make churros.
 Making the pinata…3 year old wanted nothing to do with getting her hands messy.  Go figure.   
Pinata drying in the bathroom.
Look who’s eating solid food!  
See…real game.  
Playing Mexican Train.  
It was a good weekend.  Next time you have an open weekend and you’re not sure what to do, pick a theme and see what comes up.
We did end up taking a little day trip on Monday…it was a lot of fun and that post will have to wait until tomorrow.  I’ve got kids to take care of for heaven’s sake.  
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