

It’s a little early in the game to be saying this for sure, but it looks like the next stop for our little family is Texas.  Can you believe our little stint here in Cincy is almost done?  Two years goes by in a snap and we’re closing in on our final months.  It’s too early to write any sort of wrap up or good bye to Cincinnati…so let’s just talk about Texas for a minute.  
Texas.  To be honest, it’s a little bit of a downer.  But hear me out…
When we first signed up for this Air Force gig (which is what our next move is about…paying back the Air Force for 3 years, since they paid for 3 years of dental school) we had hoped to be overseas during our payback time.  We were very fortunate in more than one instance to be moving in that exact directon.  In fact once we were accepted to the residency program in Cincinnati it was basically cemented that we would be going overseas for three years once we were done here.  Probably Japan, but maybe even Europe.  We were so excited and giddy about it all.  We talked about how blessed we were and reflected on how it worked out so perfectly.  Seriously it was an amazing chain of events that fell into place that led up to “most likely” being assigned overseas.   
Then we had Lamp.  That glorious and beautiful baby we wouldn’t trade for the world, or even a large moon rock.  However, having a child with special needs immediately pulled us out of the running for an overseas assignment.  Again, wouldn’t trade her for the world…but we were a little bummed about the situation.  One of our main reasons for joining the Air Force in the first place was the hope of living overseas for 3 years.  We were really, really hoping for Europe but would have taken Japan in a heartbeat.  Once we knew more about her condition we even talked to our Doctors about getting quality care overseas and they were all extremely positive about the fact that we could get excellent care for her overseas–Japan and Europe would both be great options in that respect.  But the Air Force wouldn’t budge.  Wouldn’t even consider it.  
So we regretfully had to let go of that little dream… and watch it sink into the frigid waters of the deep blue ocean while clinging in the bitter cold to a makeshift raft in the dark abyss of arctic waters, screaming as loudly as we could, but barely above a whisper Jack! Jack!…oh wait, I’m thinking of Titanic again.  But in all seriousness we were really bummed.  And I keep reading about a couple of famous bloggers moving to France to live abroad for a year it stings a little, like, hey that was supposed to be us.  Maybe not France, but still….this was pretty much our one opportunity to live abroad since dentists kinda have to stay put once they get their practice under way.  So to say the least, it was a huge let down.     
Then, once we accepted the fact that we wouldn’t be abroad we were told we would “most likely” be assigned to Washington DC.  And I was excited again.  I mean if we couldn’t be overseas Washington DC was a great runner up.  I have grown to love the east coast and I liked the idea of  DC for many reasons.  It’s a beautiful city, so much to see and do, the history, close driving distance to NYC and many other great destinations….the list goes on and on.  And we really started to get our hearts set on being on the east coast again.  
Then in true military fashion the Air Force changed their minds again and said, it looks like you’ll “most likely” be in San Antonio, Texas.  And even though they’ve said “most likely” a few times, I think this “most likely” will stick.  So all you Texans out there, please don’t be mad if I’m a little less-than-excited, I think it was just the circumstances of the situation and how we ended up being assigned there.  We don’t know officially until the end of February, but like I said I’m pretty sure this assignment will stick.  
 So to all you Texans, I call upon you to help me get excited about this next move…if any of you are from San Antonio or surrounding areas what do you love about your city?  What is it that makes San Antonio a great place to live?  Any areas in particular that you recommend?   
And don’t worry, I won’t mess with Texas… probably.         
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