

So I’ve been shredding it up with Jillian pretty consistently for a couple weeks now.  Yesterday and today I even got up in the wee hours before the girls were up to exercise.  (Go me.)  Not easy when you’re still getting up 2 times a night to feed a cute little monkey.  But here’s my issue…it seems like I’m gaining weight right now.  I’m getting a little bulkier, my pants are fitting tighter and well I know I’m not imagining it.  And I’m eating about the same as well.  So dear readers, especially you exercise science majors, can you explain this phenomenon?  Is it normal to gain weight first when starting a new exercise regime?    The program involves both cardio and strength training, so I’m definitely getting both.  Do I need to drink more water?  Eat less salt?  Please, share your wisdom.   
(And let’s not take this into any body image lecture territory please….I’m fine with my overall body and it’s weight, but when I start a new exercise program I don’t want to get bigger….that’s all.)  
I like this….maybe I’ll reserve Fridays for questions for my readers and let you solve all of my life’s problems.  
Have a great weekend.  
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