
Re-usable Baggies

A while ago I found these re-useable ‘baggies’ on etsy.  I thought were super cute and such a good idea.  I kinda hate using plastic baggies since they create so much waste, but sometimes they’re just what I need.  Anyway, I decided to make some myself.  Here’s a little tutorial it you want to do the same, although you don’t really need the tutorial since if you have any sewing skillz at all you could easily figure it out.   Also, I love projects that you don’t have to be exact–no measuring and no ironing…seriously a quick project. 
First, I started with tea towels from Ikea.  A few years ago a friend turned me on to them as great oversized and cheap fabric napkins.  They’re only $0.49 each and the perfect breathable, washable fabric for this project.  Then you just need a rotary cutter or scissors and some velcro. 
I used a real baggie to help me get an idea of size.  I unfolded my napkin until it was just in half and figured I could make about 6 baggies from one napkin (You need 2 pieces for each baggie of course).  
Following the existing fold lines of the napkins I folded top half over again, placed the baggie in the middle and cut on each side.     
I then unfolded each piece and cut that in half.  
 In the end I have 6 sets of fabric (2 pieces each) ready to sew into baggies.  
Then I simply opened it up, and placed the velcro on each top to sew in place.  If you’re new to sewing with velcro just make sure you get the velcro that doesn’t have a sticky back.  The sticky stuff will just gunk up your sewing machine and cause all sorts of problems.  Also I placed the velcro on one of the sides that was already hemmed…that way I don’t have to do that and it makes a much nicer opening on top.     
Once the velcro is in place, just lay the fabric on top of each other, wrong sides together and sew the other 3 sides.   Turn inside out and top stitch around those 3 sides as well (topstitching optional) and voila!  
Yay!  Now you’ve got a reusable baggie for snacks on the go!  I also made a bigger one to keep my onions in so the outer onions skins don’t get everywhere (I hate that)…and I’ll make one just for the garlic for the same purpose as well.  
I think these would be super cute to embroider or do a little applique on as well.
Anyone else as excited about reusable baggies as I am?    
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