
Friday’s Question

This picture has nothing to do with the post, but this weeks been a little slim on the Lamp cuteness front…so here you go.  
Thanks ya’ll for all the input on the upcoming move to Texas.  I’m starting to get more excited… honestly.  It’s weird being so nomadic these past few years I feel like I’ve come to enjoy change a little bit more.  Or perhaps I just enjoy getting to live in all these places I wouldn’t normally get to live and I just appreciate the opportunity.  
Now onto Friday’s question, sorry if it’s a little wordy but here it is:  I’ve been wanting to cut down on the amount of mail we receive,  especially junk mail and catalogs.  Even catalogs from companies I love (Anthro, J. Crew, Urban, Crate and Barrel, Sundance) aren’t really necessary when I can just browse online.  So the question, the actual question is how do you get rid of junk mail and subscriptions?  At first I thought I could just call each company and ask them to take me off their list, but then I found a couple of sites online that you can join and they do this for you and it seems to make the whole process a lot easier.  BUT then I worried about the validity of these companies and if they were really just marketers in disguise or if they charged money.  Or if they are valid, do they even work?  For example Catalog Choice, Direct Mail preference registry, or this nice little Wikihow article (I guess I could just read that, but I want to hear your ideas).  
So, my smart and attractive readers, have any of you slimmed down your junk mail and catalog intake?  If so how did you do it?  
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