

So yesterday I came home from running errands to find a large and mysterious package on my front door.  Hmmmm, I don’t remember ordering anything from Amazon….
What could it be?
Are you kidding me????
A serger.  Someone sent me a serger.  
No note.  No packaging slip.  Nothing.  Except a beautiful, brand new SERGER for me.  And Lamp.   
This is so much better than winning that contest because of the thoughtful, amazing, generous gift that it is.  I would love to know the person (persons?) responsible, but I also respect the desire to remain anonymous as well.  
So to the anonymous sender/senders of the serger,   
Thank you.  I am beyond touched that you would buy this gift for me and my family.  My heart is full and jumping for joy.  I’m am SO excited to put it to use.  I’m still a little in shock that someone would actually do this.  Talk about a hair brushing moment…the lightness and joy my heart felt at receiving such a personal and tender gift is beautiful and inspiring.  Your example of selflessness and kindness is one I hope to emulate and live up to.  Again, from the bottom of my heart….Thank you.  
ps.  It will probably take me a little time to learn learn to use my serger, not to mention the time to use it once I’ve learned and time seems to be something I’m lacking lately…so please be patient if you don’t see any immediate fruits of your gift.  It will definitely get plenty of use.    
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