
It’s the Weekend…

I know the blogging has still been rather sparse lately… not that you care, but I care.  
So as a semi-lame Friday post I will leave you with my top 3 reasons I’m excited for this weekend. 
1)  Husband is still taking the night feeding for me on the weekends, so it’s sorta like a couple days off from work.  Whoo-hoo.    
2)  Hanging out with my peeps.  Family, isn’t it about…time?  
3)  Finally, we’re having a girls only dance party this weekend!  No kids, no husbands.  Just what I need to recharge my batteries.   (To be clear, I LOVE dancing with my husband–he’s a great dancer, but someone’s got to watch the kids.)  I’m putting together the set list and I’m pretty sure I’ve got my bases covered, but just for kicks I’d love to have your favorite, must-have dance song recommendations. 
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