
That’s So Lazahn

I need to get something off my chest.  I don’t like the psudonym “Beanie.”  It’s not a nickname we ever call her and it’s not really fitting for her.  I guess it was fitting as a baby, but it’s not now and I’m taking a stand dangit.  She will be further known as…I don’t know… just not Beanie.  In fact if you have any suggestions feel free to send them my way.  Moving on…  
So the 3 year old formerly known as Beanie digs the Fancy Nancy books.  If you’re not familiar with them Fancy Nancy is a little girl who likes everything to be fancy.  Even the way she talks.  She’s always saying this is a fancy word for that, like fuschia is a fancy word for purple or parfait is a fancy word for ice cream.  So a couple of weeks ago the 3 year old tells us Lazahn is a fancy word for fancy.  It never occurred to us that the 3 year old thought Nancy was just making up words, but apparently that’s what she thinks.  She thinks you can just make up a word and say it’s a fancy way of saying something else.  And her new word is Lazahn.  (It’s like Lasagna without the last syllable).   As far as made up words go I have to give her credit because lazahn does have a rather regal sound to it.  It’s not easy trying to make up words.  In 7th grade my BFF and I decided to make up some words so when we were on the phone our parents wouldn’t understand us.  Our words were carpet-work, carpet-play and milk-toast.  Super lame right?  I don’t really remember what the first two meant, but I’ll never forget being in English class in high school a few years later when my teacher used the word milquetoast and I flipped.  You mean that’s a real word?!  My friend and I made up that word in middle school…it meant we were bored!  And since our fake milk-toast was so similar to the real milquetoast I think she was impressed… kinda.  And obviously we were bored.  So yeah, the little Miss is good at making up words.  And names.  Yesterday she embellished on a few names for her stuffed animals and once again…color me impressed.  
Here she is having a pic nic with all her guys in my room.  She has named some of her animals before, but today she gave them all middle names.  Tortilla (her puppy) was the only animal not given a middle name.  And I agree with her decision, I think Tortilla stands on it’s own.  Giraffe who was Glowy, is now Glowy Daisy (Cara–she loves her Giraffe).  Her pink Unicorn (who is hiding behind the giraffe) is Una Unicorn.  Concise.  My personal favorite is Lamby Salon…once again a perfect combo.  And get this…instead of calling Minnie, Minnie Mouse (she’s hiding behind the 3 year old in this pic) she’s Minnie Madame.  And of course Princess Fruitsnack….which admittedly isn’t her real name but I can’t remember which food she was named after, so I’m going to say Princess Fruitsnack.  
So as you can see she’s practically a professional.  I think we should all embrace her new word lazahn and add it to our personal lexicons. I think it could catch on.  And then maybe one day the 3 year old will be in English class when her teacher uses lazahn in a sentence and it will be her turn to flip and she can be all hey, I made up that word!  
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