

Last week is over.  Phew…
It was such a busy week because I was planning a surprise party for the hubs’ 30th Birthday.  Since I had only conceived of this plan a week and a half earlier, a lot of planning had to be done in a short amount of time.  It may not look like something out of a Martha Stewart magazine (should I be apologizing for that?  probably not….), but it was fun and best of all the birthday boy was genuinely surprised.
Where are you taking me?  
Hugs from the purple fairy.

Hooray for friends!
Happy Birthday to you…
(can I be a little vain here and say, please remember I’m only 2.5 months post partum?)
Table decor.
Good times had by all.

Thanks to everyone who came!  And a special thanks to the friends who help set up, plan, plot and scheme with me.  I couldn’t have done it without you.  
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