
One Day at a Time…

The girls and their cousins a few weeks ago
We’re alive.
Wednesday was a dreaded family sick day.  Luckily the baby was spared, but the rest of us were sick.   Puking.  Achy.  Tired.  Sick.  I think it was the plague.  The 24 hour plague.  The hubs stayed home from work while we alternated sleeping and taking care of the baby.  No fun.  But we’re better now.
Yesterday however was another beast.  One of those days where I understand why some animals eat their young.  Not so much the baby…Lamp was a sweetheart.  But Beanie….oh that Beanie.  The low point was when she clocked me in the face with her sippy cup.  Finally at the end of the day as we were walking home from a friends house–Beanie in the stroller and Lamp in the carrier–I told Beanie I couldn’t talk to her anymore because I had something important I had to listen to.  Then I put on my ipod and started rocking out to Guns ‘n Roses.  It was one of those moments where all the parenting commercials about listening to your kids and spending quality time with them went out the window.  I had to get much more basic….either I mentally checked out for a few minutes or I might have gone bezerk on a certain 3 year old before we reached home.  There are the days you try really hard to go the extra mile….be more understanding and patient, really interact with your kids, listen to what they’re saying and just enjoy the moment.  Then there are the days that you just try to get through without resorting to corporeal punishment.   These days I feel like I often look around at the other young mothers in the world–at the zoo, the children’s museum, the park–and I wonder what their story is.  What their daily battles are, how they survive, etc.  Even without knowing the details I just feel a kinship to these other women just knowing we’re all fighting the good fight.  
So hats off to you other mothers today.  Just remember if you’re battling a toddler, waking up with a crying baby or negotiating with a hormonal teenager you’re not alone….somewhere in the world there’s another mother doing the exact same thing.  Good luck to you.   
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