
Going It Alone

I don’t know where I read this recently (like in the past couple of days recently) but I read something along the lines of “People make the mistake of thinking that when a woman stays home with her young children, she’s not alone and thus not lonely.  However a woman is never more alone than when she’s home alone with her children.”  That’s sorta how I feel.  I think having a new baby is a lonely venture.  
The past few weeks have been great as we’ve had 3 different sets of family come to stay with us during this transitional time.  We still have 1 more visit coming up in another week.  B was so lucky to have a super easy rotation in his residency and during the past 5 weeks has come home early every day–usually around 1 or 2, and sometimes as early as 10:30.  It’s been wonderful.  So as my mother-in-law left yesterday and as B’s last day of getting home early is today I can’t help but feel a little abandoned.  Wait! not now, I’m not ready yet.   I knew I wouldn’t have help forever, and I knew I’d have to do the day-in and day-out with 2 kids by myself eventually, but I can’t believe it’s already here.  Now I know why people like to live close to family while raising their kids…it’s never been an option for me and truthfully not something I feel like I need or want all the time, but when I have a new baby it sounds really nice.  
Do I sound all post-partum depression-y?  Well I admit to having a fair share of anxiety lately over Lamp’s napping issues.  Here’s what I’ve deduced so far.  My baby’s crazy.  The last few mornings I’ve spent almost all morning, and I mean ALL morning, trying to get her down for a nap.  I tried all the tricks I knew and nothing.  Yesterday she slept for two 40 minute naps in the morning, but I kid you not, I spent 5 hours total trying to get her down for said naps and they just weren’t enough as she kept crying and being sad.  Finally, FINALLY at 2:00pm she went to sleep….for 5 hours!  The day before it was similar….fight, fight, fight all morning….come 1:00pm a 2 hour nap…followed by more naps…until bedtime. WHAT?  Yeah mornings she’ll fight and cry and scream and be overtired and cry because she’s overtired…then the afternoon comes and she’ll take some monster naps.  Then go down for bed relatively easy as well.  
Perhaps it doesn’t sound that bad like, If I can just make it through the morning… but you can’t spend HOURS trying to get a crying and fussy baby to sleep and not have it frazzle your nerves a bit.  And when my nerves are frazzled I start to feel anxious, which makes me feel sad and uncertain….and well, that makes me feel baby blues-ish or post partum-y or whatever.  
So truth be told I think that’s what’s at the core of my loneliness.  When you have a new baby I find that it’s a struggle and you do it alone.   No one can do this for me and it’s tough.  But I try to remember what my midwife said when I was in the throes of labor with Beanie.  I was physically and mentally exhausted and had said more than once, I can’t do it!  I can’t do it!  Then my midwife said, You can do it and in fact you’re the only one who can.  
So there’s my mantra for today…I can do it.  And I’m the only one who can.   
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