
Baby Goats and other frustrations…

A few months ago a group of us went to a place called the Farm, where they have goats and other animals for kids to check out. While we were there we saw the brand new baby goats that had just been born the night before. They were so cute and so little. We were just ooohing and aaaahing at them and then I got annoyed. I turned to my friend and commented, How unfair is it that baby goats can WALK after one day? They were born last night and they can already walk? What is that about? She agreed that it was completely biologically unfair. Not only can they walk, but mama goat doean’t have to rock them to sleep or burp them…they just do those things. As I continue to struggle through these newborn days it’s things like this that I contemplate. I mean we’re the advanced species here right? So shouldn’t we be born knowing how to sleep? Doesn’t it make more sense that we should be walking right away? Of course someone pointed out that perhaps if we want to be pregnant for 2 years like elephants, than maybe our young could do these things. Well I know some people hate being pregnant and the thought of being pregnant for 2 years is akin to the lower levels of hell. However, I can do pregnancy. Even a crazy pregnancy like Lamps. I would gladly give birth to an 18 month old (who could walk and sleep the same day he/she was born) even if it meant a 24 month gestation.
So what about you? Would you take the long pregnancy and skip the newborn stuff, or would you rather have a regular pregnancy and do the whole newborn thing? Just curious….
(And by the way the nap issue has been getting better, but this was written a few days ago.)
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