

So I did not have a C-section today.  And they sent us home.  Ugh.  I know I should be happy, but now that we’ve done so much scrambling and made arrangements for everything, it sorta feels like a big ol’ pain to be presented this new little twist.  The good news of course is that the amniotic fluid levels have gone back up–which was a huge surprise and something the Dr. was not expecting.  And of course every day the little bun stays in the oven gives her that much more advantage.  So that’s good.  I’m tired.  And now that I’m home I’m on bed rest….so it’s still a bit crazy.

Anyway, thanks again for continued support, prayers, love, comments, etc.  I would love to respond to each and every person who has contacted us, but I’m afraid I can’t at the moment.  But know we really, really appreciate it.


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