Here’s how I decided to go to Alt Summit. So it turns out that when we’re in the middle of moving across the country and stopping in Utah to see family and friends, Alt will be happening at the same time… maybe I should go? Yeaaaaah, I should totally go. OK there was...
I just saw your Alt post on Facebook, so HAD to bounce over to your blog to say hi! I'm going too, and though I'm in way over my head – I'm sooo excited and I don't care two bits. Talk about a small fish in a big pond – I don't even HAVE a blog yet! I've spent the past 4 days working like crazy to build my own website so I at least have SOMETHING! And I better get it done in time, because I put it on my biz cards. 🙂 I too am a mom of a girl with special needs. The first three years with her were intense. She had a whole bunch of surgeries, swallow studies, sleep studies, PT, OT, this that and everything else. For years we averaged 4 – 9 appts a week!! Many included loong drives to Boston for her care. She's smart, funny, and completely appropriately 7-year-old sassy. My life was completely devoted to her, and her care, and it's only been recently that I've started to do something for ME! And it feels good. And I can't wait for Alt!! I hope we get a chance to meet! And share stories about our wonder-kids 🙂 Stasia
Stasia–Please don't take my silence as disinterest! We've been moving and on the road and finally I have a chance to breathe. Anyway, I can't wait to meet you and talk about any and everything. And I'm SO glad you're finally getting a little time for you–we had some intense times as well, but not a full 3 years. Good job mama!
Like anything else in life, just embrace every moment you are given—whether you're at Alt, or mothering your sweet daughters, or moving your family across the country! Don't worry one little bit, you'll be as awesome as you always are! 🙂
Thanks Adrie!