Hi! My name is Kristi Campbell, and I live in the DC area with my husband Robert and our son Tucker. When he was a baby, Tucker seemed to meet all of his milestones in a timely manner, and we weren’t concerned about his development at all. It must have been when he was about...
This post really hits home with me. Just a few days ago, my husband and I took our kids out to dinner for my husband's birthday, and my younger son, who is on the autism spectrum, starting having a huge tantrum because he was hungry and his brother wouldn't let him have all of the red crayons the waitress brought to the table. A woman actually came over to us from a nearby table and said, I just want you to know that my family is leaving the restaurant because you are not disciplining your son for his behavior and it is upsetting me and my family. I stared at her in disbelief. It sounded from her tone like she expected me to say, no, please don't leave, we will go to another restaurant. Needless to say, I didn't say that and my husband just shrugged and gave a goofy smile. The woman and her family did leave a few minutes later, but as the waitress pointed out, they were finished eating anyway! I still have a bad taste in my mouth about the incident, though it certainly isn't the first time something like that has happened. I just wish I had prepared something to say calmly and politely in those situations instead of just staring with my mouth open.
what a dreadful woman.
Thank you so very much for featuring Tucker and me in your spotlight today, Miggy! I'm so very honored and love your words at the end about training our minds and emotions to be more empathetic. <3
And to Alessandra, I'm SO sorry that happened to you – how awful. I'm not sure what you could have said to such a jerky rude woman. Seriously who does she think she is?? 🙁 I'd have sat there open-mouthed as well, I'm sure.
Thankyou for sharing – what a DIVINE little boy and family. Have a soft spot in my heart for little boys xx
Little boys are AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!
Great interview Kristi! And I love the part about how you used to pretend not to see certain things. OH, I used to do that to, but not anymore. I am in their faces! ""Hello, how are you?" And at the grocery store I totally grill the special needs employees, because I want to evaluate their abilities and social skills to determine if there will be a spot for my son in ten years! And other moms – of yeah, I let them now I'm part of the sisterhood.
Thanks so very much, Allie!! The special needs employees are so awesome at our local grocery and I know what you mean about wondering about employment opportunities. Here's to the sisterhood, friend!!