Tuesday, a school bus pulls up to our house to pick up Lamp for preschool. Lamp was squealing, excited and driving as fast as her power chair would take her, which was obviously not fast enough. Finally, she was starting preschool this year, or as she tells everyone Pre-K kindergarten. We’re still working on that...
Yup, that is EXACTLY how I felt last year! It was so much work to get him into school and then one they're there, it HITS you! But it's so worth it. Mine loves school and craves the routine. Summer was dreadful for us all. Starting school this year again was a breeze, as he went right back to his routine so happily.
Next year, you'll be a seasoned pro. I remember last year I was freaking out and this year it couldn't come soon enough. I was doing one of those Back-to-School happy dances 🙂
Wow…so well put! I can so relate to the want them but don't want them business. You said it so perfectly! Good luck to you guys! I don't know how you do so much. You really impress me, friend. xoxoxooxoxox
This. Parenting is exactly this. Thanks for making my heart swell and my eyes tear up. I needed that today.
Funny she told you to get off the bus. I know not to you. My oldest did the same thing her first day of school. It's hard, I know. Hugs
Bravest girl is right! I thought my daughter was brave when she begged off my offer to drive her to school her first day of kindergarten and walk her to her classroom. Nope, she wanted to get on that school bus and no mom. BUT, she had her big brother with her on the bus and to walk her to her class. Lamp did it by herself. I'm *47* and wish I had half of her spirit and gumption!
Go Lamp!
That IS a very big school bus.
I want to comment on a few of your previous posts: the school outfit posts reminded me of the opening sequence of the t.v. show Blossom. Looks like you were all having fun.
Lamp in a tree: My thoughts when I saw that picture:
"Rock a bye baby in the tree top"
"Is that Lamp in the tree?"
"Is that a photo shopped photo?"
"Is that Lamp in the tree?"
"No, Lamp is sitting under the tree on the blanket."
"That's not Lamp on the blanket. That's the new baby. The family has new baby."
"The new baby really has gotten big."
"Cool! Lamp in a tree!!!"
"Awesome photo!"