

We left out of town yesterday–just the girls and I.  As I’m very cautious I don’t normally post about leaving out of town, but B’s going to be home.  Also, we finally got a security system which helps me feel a little more, ahem, secure.  At least in theory. B was out of town a...

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Happy Friday

Just popping in for a quick minute to wish you a happy Friday.  I’m actually getting ready to redeem my Mother’s Day gift with a spa day.  I love massages, facials, mani/pedis but have never actually gotten to do that all in one day!  I can’t wait.  I’ve always said that if I was a...

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Pine Cone Bird Feeders

I love doing crafts with my kids, but as a limb difference mom this is not always an easy task to take on. Finding crafts that are doable for both Lamp and PSP is challenging to say the least. Because Lamp really wants to do it all herself! Which is awesome (yay!), but again challenging...

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In Support of Caitlyn

As many of us saw our first glimpse of Caitlyn Jenner yesterday, formerly known as Bruce Jenner I just wanted to throw my support in the rink for this courageous decision.  So here it is:  Good job Caitlyn!  I was particularly struck with the sentence, “Bruce was always lying.  Caitlyn can be honest.” Out of...

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Special Needs Spotlight || Brielle

Hi Miggy! Thanks for having me back again. I previously shared a spotlight on my second daughter, Maddy, who was born with diastrophic dysplasia, a rare form of dwarfism. Since then, her little sister, Briella, was born with the same diagnosis. Despite them having identical mutations on the identical gene (there are a few different...

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Two Weekend Accomplishments

The husband was out of town all weekend so surviving is an accomplishment in and of itself, amiright mamas?  But I also managed to bust out a project that has been on the list for a while–whitewashing the fireplace.  (I apologize, but all these photos are iPhone photos… did I mention my husband was out...

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Happy Friday

I should have some great spotlights in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned, but in the meantime I thought I’d share a couple of cool special needs related links. Hashtag #toylikeme social media campaign spreads like wildfire in the UK for smaller (and now larger) toy companies to start making toys with disabilities....

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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