Hey you guys! Miggy here. I’m really excited to be featuring today’s spotlight talking about the amazing and brave girl Alexis who has reactive attachment disorder or RAD, among other invisible disorders. I first heard about this disorder on an episode of This American Life and wow…the complexity and depth of this disorder will, as...
Another thing to understand about RAD is that it does not always come from neglect in the way that we think of neglect. My cousin's daughter has RAD as a result of being in the NICU for the first few weeks of her life. She was born into an otherwise loving home situation, but wasn't able to form a normal attachment with her parents in the first few weeks of life.
Shala, you have wonderful and smart girl in your arms!
Alexis, I love the outlook you have on life. Hope life will gets more effortless and working through all of it will get easier and easier.
P.S. LOVE your hair 🙂