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Thanks for sharing! This sounds so scary. I wonder how the parents feel about schools or classrooms declaring their spaces "nut-free" when there aren't any children there with severe nut allergies. I have a friend with celiac disease (who has severe reactions to gluten) who said that the whole "gluten-free" movement (if you want to call it that) has actually backfired for those who have a legitimate disease because people don't take her need (and others who have celiac disease) as seriously because there are so many people saying they can't have gluten who really don't have any serious reaction if they do. In other words, her condition requires much more vigilance in preventing cross contamination than the average "GF" person. And the proliferation of GF has kind of watered down the seriousness of it – so now ppl just kind of roll their eyes when a person inquires if something is GF. I dont know how commom severe nut allergies are but I can't imagine that is as wide spread as the ubiquitous nut-free schools are. Which can actually backfire for those who really DO have this type of allergy. Is this making any sense? I'm having a hard time putting it into words.