
Special Needs Spotlight || Fritz + Marina

Hi! My name is Nicole. My husband Rick and I have two children, Fritz (17) and Marina (15). We met each other over 26 years ago at Iowa State University, and have been married for 21. After living in Illinois for several years after getting married, we have lived in Knoxville, Tennessee the past 13...

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Going Back to Hawaii

It was August of 1996 and I was 19 years old with a freshly broken heart and a savings account that had over $2,000 for the first time in my life, when I boarded a plane headed to Honolulu Hawaii. Having spent my freshman year of college at a community college in Orem, Utah hanging...

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Fostering Creative Expression Through Style

This post is sponsored by Kid Made Modern. I am so thankful to work with wonderful sponsors here on This Little Miggy as it allows me to continue to make great content. Thank you for supporting sponsors here and as always, all opinions are my own. (I also want to mention that my kids decided individually...

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Special Needs Spotlight || Shannon

Miggy: Welcome Shannon! I’m excited to be featuring you today, thank you for participating. You stated in your first email to me that you are an adult with a spinal cord injury. Could you please tell us about the injury–how old were you when it happened and what was the immediate aftermath like–for example was...

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We Got a Dog!

If you follow me on Instagram than this is no secret, but it might be new to some of you here… we got a dog! He’s a boy named August (no alias this time, you get to know his real name!) and he is a standard poodle. Yes I know he looks like a doodle,...

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Special Needs Spolight || Aurelia

Hi, I’m Megan. I’m a stay-at-home mama to 3 girls, the youngest of whom has Smith-Magenis syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. I’m also a knitter–it keeps me sane and is portable. My husband, Keith, is a forensic architect. We live in Virginia but long for the West Coast. I write about us (sporadically) here at...

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Special Needs Spolight || Aurelia

Hi, I’m Megan. I’m a stay-at-home mama to 3 girls, the youngest of whom has Smith-Magenis syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. I’m also a knitter–it keeps me sane and is portable. My husband, Keith, is a forensic architect. We live in Virginia but long for the West Coast. I write about us (sporadically) here at...

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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