
More Reece’s Rainbow

Hi Guys!  No spotlight this week.  It happens, oh well.  In fact I think the next few weeks through the Holidays will be a little spotty…so please be patient!  I wanted to thank everyone again who donated to Raphael’s Angel Tree fund and to those who also shared his story (read last week’s spotlight about...

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Limitations.  I think that’s an adult word and an adult concept we sometimes put on ourselves and others because we think our small life experience is the embodiment of all truth.  What do we know?  Stupid adults.  I honestly don’t think the most basic concept of that word has ever entered into the realm of...

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Raphael Update

You guys!  We hit the $1,000 goal mark and beyond!  We did it!  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Now it’s just time to find his family.  Please keep sharing and linking his story on your blogs, FB, twitter, whatever.  What better holiday gift than the gift of a family.  I couldn’t have done this...

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The Little Things

**Hey!  Since our spotlight Friday on Raphael his Angel Tree donations went from $162.00 to $771.00!!  Thank you so much everyone!  I still think we can reach $1,000!  Let’s do it!  To donate go here.   A few weeks ago I sent PSP to bed with the instruction that in the morning, before she came...

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An Extra Special Special Needs Spotlight: Raphael

Hello friends!  I am so beyond-excited for today’s spotlight as it’s a deviation from our regular format.  An amazing woman named Molly contacted me a couple weeks ago and told me about a little boy named Raphael who is an orphan in Eastern Europe and who has Down Syndrome.  Molly is involved with Reece’s Rainbow,...

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DIY: Festive Acorns

  We had the best acorn tree in our neighborhood in Cincinnati and I loved collecting these giant, perfect acorns.  For a couple of years I’ve had a large baggie filled with acorns for fall/winter decorating, but I decided they needed a little something to liven them up.  Of course I painted them.  Now doing...

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More South Padre

It wasn’t a huge, homemade dinner with all the fixin’s type of Thanksgiving, it was a beachy, play in the sand forever, build deeper friendships, and let someone else cook, serve and clean up type of Thanksgiving  And it was pretty great.  We found some beautiful Mermaids.  What is it with beach towns and giant...

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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