

Fear.  The most troublesome four letter f-word in my vocabulary. I’m a bit of a scardy cat.  I think about safety issues frequently and about how best to protect my home, my family and even myself when I’m out and about.  When it comes to guns I’m rather middle-of-the-road–I believe in the second amendment but...

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Special Needs Spotlight: Ryder

**I have no idea why the fonts are all wacky today.  Sigh.  Carryon.** Thank you so much for spotlighting our family!  My husband, Patrick, and I have been married for 8 years, and we have 3 very active, smart, and independent little boys.  Our oldest is Ryder, who turns 4 in July.  Our youngest are...

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Almost Forgot…

I was invited to be part of a show (an art show) of BYU alums in Salt Lake City.  Trust me when I say I’m honored to be included in this group of artists.  The opening is this Friday and I’m so sad that I won’t be there.  If there are any Utah locals out...

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On the Ball

…actually off the ball.  I’ve been a little off the ball over here.  We’ve had engagements almost every night the past week with more to come.  And sometimes you just need a break from blogging.  Consider this my break… but you should know by now I can never stay away for long. Please come back...

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Post Mother's Day Thoughts

When I was a freshman in college I took guitar lessons.  Slowly but surely I learned my chords, strumming pattens and even some picking patterns a la Dust in the Wind.  After playing for about a year I thought I had arrived.  I truly thought I was an amazing guitar player.  It was only as...

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Special Needs Spotlight: Parker

  Hello!! My name is Anna Dietzen and I thrilled to share our journey into the world of special needs through our beautiful son Parker. I am the wife to Nick-a handsome, hardworking CPA and mom to Parker (2) and Lane {6 months}.  My husband and I met in college and were married in 2007....

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Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with friends Life has felt a little lazy lately.  Meals on the fly, projects taking their sweet time, the house a little more cluttered and many evenings just spent puttering about doing not much at all.  That being said, we have been having some great friend get togethers and feel as...

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


purchase when charley met emma

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