
Prosthetics Update

  Its sorta unofficially official, but we’ve decided to stop using Lamp’s prosthetic arm. At least for now. I think that’s the first time I’ve said it outloud. From the outside prosthetics seem like a no brainer. A prosthetic arm allows her to have length, reach and an elbow–something that bends and allows a hand-like...

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Special Needs Spotlight: Violet

    Hello, my name is Jennifer. My husband Collin and I live in New York City with our two children,Violet and Simon. I am a stay at home mom and Collin works as copywriter at an advertising/branding agency. We met each other through mutual friends, married and decided to call this amazing city our...

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Cool Friends doing Cool Stuff: Inside and Out

One thing I think I’m good at is being happy for my friends’ successes.  Right now I’ve got some friends out there doing some cool things and I thought it would be fun to highlight them and their accomplishments here.  There is definitely a range of closeness with each of these friends, but yes I...

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The Dog Days of Summer

There’s no denying the heat here, it pounds into your body from the second you leave your air conditioned house to the second you get in your air conditioned car.  Add in the record level rain storms we’ve been having lately and it’s been positively tropical ’round here.  And the sad truth is, it’s just...

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Special Needs Spotlight: J and B

  Hello Miggy. Thanks for the opportunity to tell some of our story. It is a complex story so I will do my best to keep it short. My name is Gaye and my ex partner’s name is C. When still together we fostered two babies 4 years apart–J when he was 4 months old...

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When I Get Bigger…

Lamp hugging her new friend One thing B and I marvel at is the innate patience our little Lamp has.  It is not the normal patience of a toddler–in fact it is not the normal patience of most adults.  Sure she still wants her Cheerios the second she wakes up in the morning and if...

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The hair bow.  Her most requested do lately.  The first time she wore her hair like this she told me a lot of kids noticed it… especially Joe. I don’t remember the first time she brought him up, but sometime early in the year PSP developed a crush on a little boy we’ll call Joe....

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Hey, I'm Amy!

I'm an author, artist, and disability advocate. I live with my handsome husband and three beautiful daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio.


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