
Stacking Even More Blocks

You guys, I thought I posted this a while ago, but I didn’t.  Remember when someone could stack 4 blocks high?  Well, she’s long surpassed that record… I won’t ruin it, but her record is 1 more than she stacks here.  What?! 

Here are some other inspiring and uplifting videos or stories I’ve seen or have had sent to me lately.  Enjoy!    

–I love seeing high school kids rallying around people with special needs.  Get a tissue.  
–A reader sent me this email about Kevin Michael Connely–traveler, X-games skier, and photographer.  Yes Kevin does it all…without legs.  Of course he does.   

Mitchell’s Journey is a FB page that has been making the rounds.  Mitchell is a boy with a terminal heart condition and his parents are documenting these precious last days with their amazing son.  Other news stories about Mitchell here, here, and here  

Any other inspiring stories or videos you want to pass along?  

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