
4 Things That Always Make Me Laugh

Do you ever go back to the same video clips over and over again just to get a much needed laugh? I do. These are some of my all time favorites, one going back over 15 years that I remember watching dozens of times. There is so much craziness in the world right now, so many things that aren’t funny, it’s important to take time to laugh for the joy of laughing. Enjoy!


This is one of the strangest movies of all time–a grown Martin Short playing a 10 year old psychopath?–and this scene makes me laugh every time. My husband and I have been known to say to our girls, “Can’t you just act like a human girl?”

Another Close Encounter with Ryan Gosling
I met Ryan Gosling one time, but that’s beside the point. This recent SNL sketch kills me. Every. Single. Time. Ryan is good, but Kate Mckennin is without a doubt the start of the show.

Lip Sync Battle Melissa McCarthy
I think we all agree that Melissa McCarthy is a national treasure. She brings it big time to this lip sync battle with Jimmy Fallon–more specifically the last lip sync of the clip. If I learned anything from American Idol, it’s that it’s all about song choice. Melissa wins. Hands down.

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog visits the Return of the Clones (best quality clip I could find)
Not appropriate for kids! This must date back to 2003–I really don’t remember–but this was the first Internet video I remember watching over and over again dying laughing. And yes, he sometimes crosses the line, but mostly it is just crazy funny, especially considering it’s improv.

Would you leave a link to your favorite funny clips in the comments below? Lets stock pile a huge list of funny clips should we ever need a pick me up. 

p.s. In middle school my bestie and I regularly rented The Best of Gilda Radner and watched it non stop. I can’t wait to see the new documentary Love, Gilda.  

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