
Island Time

This Little Miggy || Hawaii


Just popping in real quick to say that hello from Hawaii. I posted a couple weeks ago about returning to Hawaii, a special place that is near and dear to my heart, but also a place I’ve haven’t been to in 20 years. We spent the first couple of nights in Waikiki (my husband had a dental conference there) and as soon as it was over we hightailed it to the North Shore, which not surprisingly has changed a lot in 20 years!  There are a lot more shops–especially restaurants and food trucks–which of course means more people than there used to be. Of course some things look just the same, while other things have had a major upgrade. (I’m kinda bummed the old school, A-frame McDonalds was swapped out for a more modern one.)

This Little Miggy || Hawaii

The drive up the coast was stunning just as it was 20 years ago. I remembered exactly what it felt like to be a 19 year old kid who had never traveled outside the continental United States and who was suddenly immersed in a way of life that was just as exciting as it was foreign. For some reason the fact that the beach and the ocean were just feet away on this drive to the North Shore was mind blowing to my 19 year old self.

 This Little Miggy || Hawaii

We’ve tried to keep our plans pretty loosey-goosey with a good amount of relaxing down time, as well as some planned activities. We spent today (Monday) at the PCC or the Polynesian Cultural Center which our girls loved! And tomorrow we’re going to head over to Haleiwa–probably my favorite little surf town on the North Shore. Although I’ve heard it has changed a lot. We’ll hit up Motsumoto’s  Shaved ice for sure (I remember when it was a shack next to a dirt parking lot!) and my husband has a surfing lesson scheduled for tomorrow as well. We’re also hitting one of my major bucket list items on Wednesday and I’m super excited! But also a little freaked out. OK, a lot freaked out. But excited. I’ll keep you posted… mwah-hahahaha.

Feel free to follow along on my Instagram and Instagram stories if you want to see what we’re up to.

And sorry for the radio silence over here…. I hate having big lapses of time go by without posting (and it rarely happens) but sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Besides, we’re on island time.

p.s. We ended up planning our trip at the exact same time as some of our best friends from Texas totally by accident! We will be spending some time with them while we’re here. Then I also ran into a friend of mine from college at the PCC and–this is even crazier–are staying at the condo right next to theirs! What? I’m telling you, this place is magic. 

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