
Happy Friday

Still getting back into the swing of things after our Oregon vacation and getting ready for school–eek!–which starts next week! What? Where did this summer go?

I’ll be doing an Oregon recap soon with all the amazing places we saw and I have some other excited posts up my sleeve as well. Summer was great, but I’m ready to get back on a schedule and soon. I also have to just laugh at this point that our bathroom–which was started the last week of school and was scheduled as a 4-6 week renovation–is still not done! It’s getting comical at this point and I just have to laugh. Oh well… I gave some advice on renovations a few weeks ago, I have more to share on that as well.

I’ve been loving the Olympics the past few days as I’m sure all of you have and trying to avoid the news and FB to avoid spoilers until they’re broadcast here! So hard–quit posting results before the broadcast news people! Speaking of Olympics did you see this video for the Paralympics this year?

I absolutely loved it. Like, watched-it-10-times-in-a-row loved it. That being said I have absolutely no idea how to actually watch the Paralympics. Do you know where/how to watch the Paralympics? If so, will you leave a comment below? OK, quick google search (duh) led me here. Maybe I can actually keep up a bit!
Also, I saw this video, Things people with Down’s Syndrome are sick of hearing, being shared around FB and thought this was so great that someone took the time to make and share this as well. 
Also, if you guys know of any people or special needs families who would make great Special Needs Spotlights please, please, PLEASE send them my way. I’m always looking for new families and individuals to interview and would love to hear from you. Thank you so much!
Have a great weekend!


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