
Would You, Could You?


Would you, could you (or better yet do you) shave your face?

If you’ve never heard of this practice perhaps you’re thinking this is joke, gimmick or straight up whack.  Turns out this was a regular practice for a couple of gals by the name of Marilyn (Monroe) and Liz (Taylor).  And while celebrities are known to do some pretty crazy things, they also seem to be on the inner circle of trust when it comes to beauty secrets of the rich and famous…er… themselves.

I actually heard about this more than a decade ago from a friend of mine.  She was telling me who smooth it makes you skin and that its the best exfoliator ever, she was saying this so matter of fact like it was no big deal and finally was like,  just shave your face already!  You can check out this post or this video if you need a little more convincing.  Here’s the thing though… I still haven’t shaved my face.  Although I will say perhaps it was the idea that I thought it was the same process as when a man shaves his face like Marilyn models above.  But if you clicked on that video you’ll see there are special face razors for women that you do on a dray face.  For some reason that process just seems to make it a different game.  BUT there are women who shave old school style with a man’s Gillette and a little shaving cream.  In addition to removing all facial hair apparently it acts like microdermabrasion and removes your top layer of dead skin leaving your face smooth as a baby’s bottom.  Of course the claims that shaving any hair causes it to grow back thicker are continually shot down as an old wives tale… something I’ve always believed.

Part of me really, really wants to try it. The other part of me is like eh.  I’m not someone who freaks out about having fine little hairs on my face.  Even the longer ones around my sideburns and neck.  I asked my husband (who has no problem being honest with me) if it bothers him and he said not at all… he’s never even thought about it. Perhaps my skin would be super smooth, but according to some dermatologists, if you have other exfoliating practices–such as a Clarisonic, which I have–then shaving your face isn’t going to exfoliate any better.  And while some women claim facial shaving is the reason that men seem to age slower, other’s debunk that myth with a little something called science.

So…would you?  I’m so curious to know if any of you have ever shaved your face? Was it a one time thing or a weekly practice? Is it something you rave about or keep to yourself? Is it one of those things that once you’re in the club, you never go back? Or do you find this to be another ridiculous thing women do in the name of beauty that is completely unnecessary?  Dish.

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