I saw this video on FB and almost didn’t click on…so glad I did!
I think this might be the most brilliant campaign I’ve seen in a long time.
Scope (out of Britain) poses the question:
Awkward about disability? No worries, we can all get over it.
So great! And true! I love that they address the (3 legged) elephant in the room with humor, kindness and grace. They’re not out to make you feel bad for feeling and acting awkward around people with disabilities. They’re just trying to help. But make no mistake, it’s a serious issue and they’re hitting it straight on. From job discrimination, verbal abuse and even hate crimes, discrimination against the disabled is real.
In my spotlight featuring Brenna last week I had a reader bravely confess that she doesn’t know what to do when she meets children with disabilities. Even after following my blog and the many spotlights I’ve featured she still gets a little nervous to do or say the right thing. I confessed that sometimes I still feel awkward around others with disabilities as well–ha! I hope that puts some of you at ease. For me I think I’m “supposed” to know how to do this, so then I feel all this pressure to model proper disability etiquette which means I overthink it, talk too much, do something awkward and walk away thinking, What was that?
Scope has some great resources on their site like Ending the Awkward: The Basics, Assumptions to avoid, Tackling Awkward Situations and Talking About Disability.
These are such great tips for everyone to remember and I’m so happy to see an organization trying to change attitudes about people with disabilities. Take the how awkward are you? quiz and see the rest of the videos here.
OMG could that guy be in the ads be more adorable?
Right! He's cute and charming. Love these videos.
I agree! He is so charming. They should show these commercials in the U.S. Or film new ones but they MUST have the same man in them. I'm off to google him.
I agree Lexie–I would love to see these in the US.
Let me know what you find after your google searching!
Okay, I've got the goods. His name is Alex Brooker and he is a journalist and a presenter (host) for several British TV shows, mostly sports related. He is also featured in a documentary called My Perfect Body that I am trying to find online. I"ll let you know.
My husband just watched the ads and said, "those are really good," and told me that his first girlfriend, Caitlin, wore a prosthetic arm. He has told me about Caitlin before but he never mentioned that detail. I think that's really cool.
I mean cool that though he has talked about her, he never mentioned that she had a disability.
These ads are brilliant! I love them. They have a similar campaign in Australia, and I think it has really helped. I'm only half as awkward as I used to be around people with disabilities. I used to have a terrible time talking to people in pushchairs or even with hearing aids or oxygen tubes, and I have a brother with Down's Syndrome!
Only 1/2 as awkward! That's a win! 🙂
i think it helps to remember it doesnt make you a bad person if you are sometimes awkward! it happens to everyone sometimes. i remember my older sister telling me about the first time she met her friend "john". my sister has spinabifida and has been in a chair her whole life, yet when she met john, who has no arms and no legs, she said she kept having to remind herself to stop staring. she said she felt like a…a word i wont repeat here. they are now good friends and can joke about other peoples reactions. its not so bad to be awkward initially, as long as you can acknowledge it and then try to fix it.
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