
The Red Fred Project

Have you heard of the Red Fred Project?  A good friend of mine actually told me about this project a while ago and somehow it sorta slipped my mind.  Well now that it’s a full-fledged Kick Starter that only has 3 days left! I’d like to try and drum up a little extra support for a project that strikes a chord in my special needs lovin’ heart.

In their own words:

The Red Fred Project is a star-crossed collaboration with critically ill children. These are magical, creative children who have faced significant challenges in short lifetimes, with humor, compassion and wisdom-filled stories to share. The Red Fred Project gives those children and their stories a voice. 
Here’s how:  Together, we create a children’s book. Each child is the creative boss; I’m just there to bring the story to life through photography, design and a likable group of birds called The Jolly Troop. That book then becomes so many magical things: A lasting voice for these children’s beautiful stories. A tangible achievement for each child (check out how we celebrated our first creative rock star). A way to help parents pay steep medical bills; all proceeds go straight to them. And the magic multiplies, lives on forever – readers are inspired by the wisdom and imagination of these children.

To me the real genius about this project is that the results are multifaceted.  Not only does this project give a voice to children who too often go unheard and help these little ones achieve a major accomplishment–a legacy–all their own, BUT it is also a fundraising tool as the proceeds of each sale of their book go toward the medical bills for these children.  Beautiful and brilliant.  I really like seeing people reach out and use their time and talents in positive, creative ways.  

Anyway, watch the video, check out the kickstarter page and donate what you can. Every little bit helps.  Also, I think it’s pretty cool that I’ve recently had two different spotlights on Osteogenesis Imperfecta, aka brittle bone disease, and that is what this little boy in the video has as well.  Not that I’m glad he has it, but I’m glad I’m now familiar with it…. knowledge is power baby.

Spread the word.

PS–My new blog design/template is going to be up and running in the next day or two… yippie skippie!

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